Not all departments are directly involved in patient care, but they are equally as important as the ones that do. Without these departments and their dedicated staff, our Hospital and Clinic would not be able to function.
The administrative team is made up of the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, and Director of Nursing. Administration guides the hospital and directs the day-to-day operations.
In order to even start your visit, you have to register with the business office; they do so many things: registration, billing, accounts payable, reception. They are the first and the last face you see when coming to see us.
Privacy is essential. The dedicated staff in our HIM department not only protect your privacy, they make sure your records are transferred when you request it, they make sure that we have all the information your insurance needs so that a claim can be paid, they make sure HIPAA is followed.
The amazing dietary staff not only feeds our patients, they keep the rest of us going, too! With good, nutritious food our patients have better outcomes. Our registered dietitian also does private dietary consultations, with a doctor's order, for inpatients and outpatients.
Keeping our facilities in good repair is a hard job. Our maintenance staff goes the extra mile to make sure our equipment and facility are functioning.
Our housekeepers take pride in our Hospital and Clinic, and want it to be a welcoming place, a place of healing. Not only is their job to make it look nice, but they make sure we're making your stay safe.
Supplies are needed in every department, all the time. To coordinate that, we have a dedicated supply specialist.
Everything is run on technology. From telephones, to computers, to equipment, to servers, our IT staff make sure that we are able to do everything.