Ellinwood hospital announces new pharmacist

Ellinwood Hospital and Clinic has announced the new pharmacist and coming pharmacy in Ellinwood.
Ryan Stratmann, PharmD, will open The Red Haus Pharmacy in the coming months. Stratmann and his wife, Anastasia, will operate the pharmacy, including both prescription and over-the-counter medications with retail.
“We are incredibly excited to bring this pharmacy, and especially the Stratmann family, to Ellinwood,” reports Kile Magner, CEO of the hospital and clinic. “This project has been a long process, but we have taken the time to make sure that it meets our community’s needs and will be successful into the future. By bringing Ryan onboard, we have a great pharmacist that will serve our community with expertise and care.”
Stratmann is also excited to open the pharmacy. “It is a chance to bring services to a beautiful community, and have that hometown feel where, working with providers and patients, we can make a difference in people’s lives and the health of the community,” describes Stratmann. “Having a hospital, clinic, and a pharmacy in the same town will strengthen all involved. I believe that healthcare is a team effort. It takes the provider, pharmacy, and, most importantly, the patient to create the most beneficial outcome.”
Stratmann is originally from Geneseo, and now resides in Great Bend with his wife and their three children, all under five years old. He received his Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the University of Kansas School of Pharmacy and has been working locally since 2009, building strong relationships in area.
The pharmacy project began mid-2016, when the Ellinwood Hospital District was awarded $200,000 in Kansas Community Service Tax Credits through the Kansas Department of Commerce. Using the tax credits, the district raised over $287,000 for the pharmacy and outreach clinic project over 18 months. Using the funds and a generous donation, the district purchased, renovated, and equipped the building at 19 North Humbolt Avenue, which previously housed the Bank of the West. The remaining funds will be used to renovate a portion of the Medical Arts building, at 615 North Main Street, into an outreach clinic.