Christmas Gala raises over $10,800 for Hospital Foundation

For the last three years, the Ellinwood Hospital Foundation has hosted the Christmas Gala, a dinner and auction fundraiser in early December, as part of Ellinwood’s Christkindlmarket. Each year, it has continued to grow, in both attendance and donations.
“We enjoy hosting the Christmas Gala each year,” reports Lindsey Bogner, Executive Director. “We have a great time, we do a little Christmas shopping, and we support a great cause.”
This year, the Christmas-themed event had 127 attendees and raised over $10,800 in sponsorships, attendance, and auction sales for the Foundation, which uses them to support the facilities and programs at Ellinwood Hospital and Clinic.
Recent projects the Foundation has completed include a new kitchen nook area (space to prepare drinks and meals for staff, visitors, and patients) and ice machine for the Hospital’s Dietary department, a new microscope for the Lab Department, and patient and staff furniture throughout the Hospital and Clinic.
“The support of our generous community and staff makes these projects possible,” explains Bogner. “The funds raised throughout the year can be earmarked for a specific project or can be given for unrestricted use, which allows the Foundation the flexibility to support the Hospital and Clinic wherever they need it most.”
The Foundation’s main sources of funding include the Employee Support Campaign, in which employees of the Hospital and Clinic donate throughout the year for specific employee-chosen projects or funds; the Christmas Gala and other special events; direct donations from community members; and memorial and estate gifts.