Durrett to begin endoscopy services at Ellinwood

Robin Durrett, D.O. is joining the practice at Ellinwood Hospital and Clinic to perform colonoscopy and endoscopy services. Dr. Durrett will begin seeing patients in the Ellinwood Clinic for pre-surgery appointments in early February, with procedures starting soon after.
The Hospital is hosting an Ellinwood Chamber Coffee for the community to meet and visit with Dr. Durrett and learn about the services he offers on Friday, February 3, at 10am in the Education Room at the Hospital.
“Dr. Durrett is an amazing addition to our medical team,” reports Kile Magner, CEO of Ellinwood Hospital and Clinic. “And this service is a great addition to our line-up of family care, outreach, inpatient and emergency services. To be able to provide these services means that we can care for more patients, here at home, with local doctors that they know and trust.”
The Hospital is currently getting ready for the practice by moving two offices and bringing in the equipment needed to do the procedures. The procedures will take place in one of the emergency rooms, and pre- and post-op patients will be cared for on the acute wing of the Hospital.
The Hospital will provide more information as equipment is installed and clinic and surgery dates are announced. For more information, visit ellinwooddistrichhospital.org.