Ellinwood Hospital and Clinic is committed to providing meaningful information and assistance to our patients related to the financial obligations for healthcare services. Our representatives are available to provide information on our charges and your individual cost based on your personal healthcare coverage and service needs.
A list of standard hospital charges for common inpatient, outpatient, and diagnostic procedures can be found in the links below.
Your final bill from Ellinwood Hospital and Clinic will vary depending on the actual services provided, existing health conditions that may impact the procedure and your insurance coverage if you are insured. Also, our charges do not include physician fees such as the anesthesiologist, radiologist or surgeon. Physicians will bill you separately for their services. Please contact your practitioner (physician, anesthesiologist, radiologist, surgeon or other specialists) directly for individual pricing estimates, billing practices, and insurance participation.
Other Resources
There are also resources to assist you as a healthcare consumer.
Financial Assistance
The Ellinwood District Hospital Financial Assistance Program (FAP) exists to provide eligible patients partially or fully discounted emergent or medically-necessary hospital care. For financial assistance, please call 620-564-2548 Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm or learn more here.

More Questions?
If you have more questions about the charge list, please call the Business Office at: (620) 564-2548.
If you have questions about a specific charge on your bill, please call our Billing Specialist at (620) 564-2548.