At Ellinwood District Hospital and Clinic, we are dedicated to your complete health. We are your healthcare family, and we want to be there for you when you need us.
Patient Amenities
Patients at Ellinwood District Hospital and Clinic can expect expert and compassionate care whenever they choose us.
At our Hospital, patients will have knowledgeable nurses, experienced providers, and dedicated support staff. Visitor times are scheduled from 2-7pm.
At our Clinic, patients will see limited wait times, comfortable exam rooms, knowledgable nurses, and experienced practitioners. The Clinic is located next to the Hospital, making it simple to walk over and get any additional tests required.
Patient Information
When coming to the Hospital or Clinic, we understand that it's not in your top ten list of favorite things to do. We promise to take care of you and make your visit the best it can be.
You can help make your visit easier by having a few pieces of information - your insurance card and photo ID to start. If you are coming to the Hospital, be sure to bring a signed provider's order, or make sure it has been sent to us before your visit.
Please be aware, you may be asked to fill out paperwork, especially if you've never received care from us, or if it's been a while. We do this to make sure we're taking care of you properly, and to ensure we have the most current information - information that our providers need to give you the best care possible.
If you are a patient in the Therapy Services department, please remember to wear comfortable clothing for your appointment.
If, for any reason, you feel as if you did not receive the best care possible, please let us know! You can call (620) 564-2548 and speak with our Administrator.

Visitor Information
We welcome visitors to our Hospital! Please know that visiting hours are daily, from 2-7pm. We do limit visiting hours to ensure that our patients are receiving the amount of rest they need to heal.
While here, we do ask that you let the Nurse's Station know which patient room you are in and when you leave. Please remember that many of our patients may be sleeping, and try to keep noise in the hallways to a minimum.