Book fair to be held at Hospital
The Ellinwood Hospital Auxiliary invites the community to shop at the Books Are Fun book fair, at Ellinwood District Hospital, in the...
Hospital Auxiliary hosts annual fall luncheon
The Ellinwood District Hospital Auxiliary is hosting their annual fall luncheon on Tuesday, October 27, from 11:30am to 1:00pm at St....
Haines to begin practicing at Ellinwood Hospital Clinic
Diane Haines, APRN, of Ellinwood will be joining the Ellinwood Hospital and Clinic family in October. She will be providing family care...

Balance 4 Life program to start at Hospital
Falls are the most common cause of trauma in Kansas. In the United States, there are 183 Emergency Room visits every hour for...
Community invited to meet new CEO
On Friday, July 24, Ellinwood District Hospital and Clinic is hosting an Ellinwood Chamber Coffee at 10am in the Education Room at the...

Ellinwood Hospital Clinic accepts new patients, young and old
Did you know? Ellinwood District Hospital operates a rural health clinic: Ellinwood Hospital Clinic. The providers at Ellinwood Hospital...