For outpatients: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm
For emergency and inpatients: 24/7 on call
Call (620) 564-2548
In our Laboratory Department, our knowledgeable staff will take the extra time to take care of you.
Don't forget - we can perform any of your lab services here, even if you don't doctor at our Clinic. Simply ask your provider to send us your order, and then come on over when its convenient for you!
We offer a wide range of tests to help providers diagnose and manage patient conditions. Tests must be ordered by a provider. The two most common requested tests are for blood samples and urine samples. Depending on the type of test your provider orders, tests may need to be performed at a specific time of day and/or require diet restrictions. No appointment is needed for lab testing. Results of your tests will be sent directly to your provider.
Throughout the year, we offer a reduced-cost lab fair, to make it easier for you to "know your numbers" and keep up with your health. These screenings provide baseline information on cholesterol, blood glucose, liver, kidneys, thyroid, and more. Check out the Upcoming Events calendar for dates.
Tests Offered at Lab Fair Include:
Executive Profile - CBC, CMP, Phos, Uric, Mag, Iron, GGT, Liver, Lipid,
FT4, and TSH
PSA Screen - prostate screen
HgbA1c - to diagnose and track diabetes
CBC - Complete Blood Count
CMP - Comprehensive Metabolic Profile
Lipid - Chol, Trig, and HDL)
Liver Panel
Thyroid Panel - TSH and FT4